Friday Mar 05, 2021
Friday Mar 05, 2021
Jesus “Commissioned" Us to “Make Disciples” that Become Jesus Followers and Not Members of an Exclusive Holy Club
MESSAGE SUMMARY: We need to welcome new excited Followers of Jesus as members of our Non-Exclusive global fellowship as a Christians. Those of us who have been brought up in the church or have been in the church for a while can get caught up in our personal righteousness. We get used to the presence of God and His peace in our lives. However, we then encounter a new Followers of Jesus. These new Christians, before their conversion, were living in the ways of the world without God’s peace. Now, these new believers are so excited with their new life. However, their outward manifestation of their conversion may not “fit” with our personal Christian behavioral norms. Sadly, too many modern Christians judge and condemn these new, excited believers for their enthusiasm rather than loving, encouraging, and embracing these new Followers of Jesus. We can learn from Jesus’ rebuke of the Pharisees, who exhibited similar non-supportive behavior of Christians in Matthew 5:20: “For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”.
TODAY’S AFFIRMATION: Today, because of I am filled with the Holy Spirit, I will not be controlled by my Evil Ways. Rather, I will walk in the Spirit’s fruit of Goodness. “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” (Galatians 5:22f).
SCRIPTURE REFERENCE (ESV): Luke 7:45-47; Matthew 5:20; Luke 11:38-39; Psalms 49b:11-20.
THIS SUNDAY’S AUDIO SERMON: You can listen to Archbishop Beach’s Current Sunday Sermon: “God’s Covenant with Abraham Expressed God’s Love Then and Now ‘so that in Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham might come to the Gentiles {us}’", at our Website: https://awtlser.podbean.com/
WEBSITE LINK TO DR. BEACH’S SERMON VIDEO – “We All Need “Hope” in Today’s World of Fear, Doubt in Our Faith, and Feelings of “Hopelessness”; and God Is this “Hope””: www.AWFTL.org/watch
DONATE TO AWFTL: https://mygiving.secure.force.com/GXDonateNow?id=a0Ui000000DglsqEAB